Last updated: 02/08/2022
How we use cookies, we're not evil! 🍪
We, like many other businesses, use cookies to track visitors traffic on our website. You wouldn't really know if we didn't tell you, but we thought it might be a good idea to be transparent.
About TahkoRent
Here is who we are:
Sillankorvan taksi Oy
Y-tunnus: 3261833-1
We Google Analytics to track website performance and we do not give your information to 3rd parties. Should Sillankorvan taksi Oy decide to use other 3rd party software for website monitoring, individual user data will not be released.
In addition to this, Sillankorvan taksi Oy does not store user data locally.
The individual data that is used in accordance with Google Analytics is not viewed by staff members at Sillankorvan taksi Oy. Here is the information that we have access to when you submit a form on our website:
- Name
- Company (if applicable)
- Phone number
The above-mentioned information is stored locally but is not used in marketing campaigns nor is it ever given to 3rd parties.
About cookies
To allow this website to function as well as possible, we use cookies to track temporary bits of data. This is standard procedure with other websites.
Cookies are bits of text data that allow the user to have a more fluent user experience, such as saving language, font size and different screen settings. Cookies automize this process.
Can Orion see who I am?
No, we do not use tools to see your IP address. We also do not use cookies in any of our marketing campaigns.
I don't want cookies, at least not that kind!
That's okay, we get it! You can actually manage your cookies from your computer, just to go: